Two Papua are happy to meet each other at a tribal gathering in a village close to Wamena, province Papua, Indonesia.
Two Papua are happy to meet each other at a tribal gathering in a village close to Wamena, province Papua, Indonesia.


2013 Travel Photographer of the Year awards, category Extraordinary

This photo I took was shortlisted in the 2013 Travel Photographer of the Year awards:

Two Papua are happy to meet each other at a tribal gathering in a village close to Wamena, province Papua, Indonesia.


Finalrunde beim Wettbewerb “Travel Photographer of the Year” 2013, Kategorie Extraordinary

Dieses von mir fotografierte Foto schaffte es in die Finalrunde:

Zwei Papua begrüßen einander herzlich bei einem Stammestreffen in einem Dorf bei der Stadt Wamena, im indonesischen Teil von Neuguinea.

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